Josh Bayliss - Chief Executive Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Lawsを保持。Virgin Group - 工業コングロマリット - 英国
Annie Lewin - Senior Director of Advocacy and Head of Asia Pacific, Google.org - has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Art History from University of Auckland and Bachelor of Computer Science in Journalism from Auckland University of Technology.Caroline Rainsford - Country Director, New Zealand - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Marketing Managementを保持。Google APAC - コミュニケーション ・販売 - シンガポール共和国
Laura Goldie - Managing Director - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Marketing Managementを保持。FCB/Six - コミュニケーション ・販売 - カナダ
Michael Stiassny - Chairman of the Board - は、University of AucklandのCommerce and Law degreeを保持。Ronald Mudaliar - Chief Underwriting Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physicsを保持。Angus Shelton - Interim Chief Financial Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Laws in Accounting, Finance and Lawを保持。
Jeremy Hackett - Head of Brand and Strategy - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerceを保持。British American Tobacco Bangladesh - タバコ - バングラデシュ人民共和国
Jason Monteiro - Senior Vice President, Streaming, APAC - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerceを保持。Warner Bros. Discovery Global Streaming & Games - テレビ放送 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
Sarah Robb O'Hagan - Independent Director - はUniversity of Aucklandを卒業。JetBlue - 航空会社 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
Shane Grant - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President - has a Bachelor of Arts from University of Auckland and Bachelor of Commerce from University of Auckland.Danone North America - 農産物食品 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
Jason Monteiro - Senior Vice President, Streaming, APAC - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerceを保持。Warner Bros. Discovery Streaming Asia Pacific - テレビ放送 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
Adam Boyd - Executive General Manager of Personal Banking - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Finance and Economicsを保持。Carl Ferguson - Chief Financial Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerceを保持。Stephen Bendall - General Counsel and Executive General Manager of Business Services - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Lawを保持。Amie Nilsson - Chief Operating Officer - は、University of AucklandのMaster of of Commerce in International Businessを保持。
Keren Blakey - Assurance Partner - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Financeを保持。Brendan Catchpole - Chief Operating Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Lawsを保持。Karen Shires - Chair of the Board - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Commercial Lawを保持。Rebecca Thomas - Chief Information Officer - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Artsを保持。
Gretchen Weightman - Vice President and General Manager, APAC & MEA - は、University of AucklandのBachelor of Science Marine Biology and Molecular Biologyを保持。Illumina - 医療機器 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)